úterý 25. ledna 2011

[K&K 22] No Pavarotti - Out Of The Dark

No Pavarotti potvrdili statut nejaktivnější kapely v okruhu labelu KLaNGundKRaCH a po studiovém albu Too Late To Care, vydaném v říjnu, završili rok 2010 hodinovou kolekcí koncertních nahrávek nazvanou Out Of The Dark. Titul s katalogovým číslem 22 vychází na kazetě v limitované edici 39 kusů.

Out Of The Dark (ukázka): http://www.mediafire.com/?a9ul1ef8n6qq8gi
Podrobné info: http://klangundkrach.net/kk-22-no-pavarotti-out-dark

Review: Head in Body - Not So Empty (Vital Weekly 765)

The CDR of this underground group from Prague, Czech Republic starts with a very short vocal song. It is a parody on all these sweet songs you will hear on the radio. Great track! The four other songs continue this EP with highly delayed voice which is supported by electronic beats, crushes, groovy loops and noisy licks. The music is pulsating and minimal, because of the basic structure of the compositions. The instrumental part of the music has been played and composed in a good manner, with enough repetitions and variations. But after a while the voice with delay starts to irritate me. I think Head in Body has enough creativity to use the voice in more different styles. I am looking forward to the next release of this promising duo.

středa 19. ledna 2011

Recenze: No Pavarotti - Too Late To Care (His Voice)

Review: No Pavarotti - Too Late To Care (Vital Weekly 764)

KLaNGuNDKRaCH is a small label from Prague - Czech Republic and they know how to make interesting releases. No Pavarotti recorded in February and July 2010 five songs and released it in a silver carton cover and has a limited edition of 99. I really do not know who are the musicians of No Pavarotti, but that makes no sense because the music had to speak. The five pieces of music are intense and meditative because of the use of repetitive elements. The first track "Behind the Red Curtains" is a slowly developing composition created by long-lasting synths and voice, and ends with a strumming guitar. Some kind of Trap is repetitive by the beautiful use of delays which take care for a base, in the background you will hear some sinister sounds and the composition is completed with a whispering voice. The next tracks continues in the same mood but more noisy and harsh in a subtile way. I'm Never Gonna Surf Again is a singer-song alike track, but lucky with strange background sounds, what make the song interesting. The last track has a more experimental mood, it starts slowly as if it will continue as the first three tracks before, but it develops with restless moments by a bass which is searching for structure. At the end the song ended in song-structure and No Pavarotti is back from the abstraction to the structure. Again a nice release at KLaNGuNDKRaCH.

úterý 11. ledna 2011

Review: Core of the Coalman - You´ll Need a Katapult (Vital Weekly 763)

The music of Core of the Coalman has a great real American sound, like a man singing songs with his acoustic guitar, sitting on the veranda. But that is not the only style on this album with 19 songs. Some songs are just notes with a minimalistic character or just some words of pianophases. Other songs have long repetitive elements created by electronic sound-effects. Core of the Coalman is an alter-ego of Jorge Boehringer. He played in a lot of bands and did a great amount of collaborations with other artists and musicians. He was born in Texas in 1975, moved to Oakland California and lives and works now in Prague (Czech Republic). Core of the Coalman knows how to combine traditional guitar- and songstructures with his violin and many many soundeffects. Really a great CD-R for people how like experiments with authentic musicstyles.

pondělí 10. ledna 2011

Recenze: Head in Body - Not So Empty (UNI 9/2010)

"Ocitli jsme se snad sami v obří domněle prázdné podzemní garáži a někde daleko za sloupy je někdo druhý, kdo „nemůže nastartovat“, kdo „se nemůže udělat“, kdo „nemůže být spokojený“, protože zůstává někde, kde být nechce?"

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